Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Horse

It's a right interesting story how I ended up with Elmo's horse Twitter. Elmo wasn't having no luck with Twitter; couldn't get him to do a blame thang right. I come up on Elmo's camp out by Highfill and Elmo was just fixin' to bust a limb over Twitter's head; turns out Elmo hadn't had nothing but cat for the past 12 days was was aimin' to have him some prime rib. Well, I happened to have some month old Scotcharoos with me. Now these wasn't plain Scotcharoos...they was made with real Scotch and real Kangaroo. I convinced Elmo to trade me Twitter for them Scotcharoos. Well, we sat there and drank coffee while Elmo polished off them Scotcharoos. I got out my viewmaster and we looked at some slides of Hoover Dam, but we wasn't comfortable doing that because it required pointing the viewmaster directly into the firelight and when you do a blame thang like that you cain't see nobody coming up on your camp. So, we cut that out and the next mornin', me and Twitter headed out. I was mighty proud to have me a horse, cause I had come up them mountains on only a pogo stick, and I don't mind telling you I was plum give out. We made it about a quarter mile before Twitter dumped me in a creek, but that's okay because I hadn't had time to take me no bath in a while.

1 comment:

  1. I sure wish I had not let you cheat me out of ole Twitter. Sometimes too much cat just make me crazy. I thank Twitter could smell cat on my breath an that was why he wouldn't do what I wanted him to. He was one cantankerous,ornery, cranky, crotchsty critter but by the time I got to my place on that pogo stick, I would have kissed him plum on the mouth to have him back.
